NTT is a manufacturer of GRP pipes and tank equipment for rainwater drainage systems. The products are manufactured in strict compliance with the regulatory and technical documentation and approved for application in Mosvodokanal, Vodokanal of St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk Gorvodokanal.
Arrangement of rainwater pipeline networks is the most important aspect of city and road construction. Effective drainage of rainwater prevents flooding of buildings, roads, cars and prevent serious financial losses. NTT fiberglass pipes are a universal solution to any problem related to rainwater drainage.
Large diameter pipes (~ up to 4000 mm) are used to ensure efficient water removal during intensive showers and spring snowmelt, NTT offers GRP pipes with diameters from 300 to 4000 mm with coupling joints, providing maximum cost-effectiveness and minimum construction time.
When constructing new pipelines in developed city infrastructure the most effective solution is to use microtunneling technology, NTT offers GRP jacking pipes for microtunneling with diameters from 300 mm to 2500 mm.
The diameter (DN) of NTT fiberglass pipes is determined by the inside size and measured in millimeters. The range of sizes is: DN 300 - 4000 mm;
The nominal ring stiffness (SN) of the pipes is measured in N/m² and varies in the following range: SN 5000 - 1 000 000 N/m²;
For the correct selection of the pipe type it is important to know the ring stiffness of the pipe. Normally this value is at least 10000 N/m². Fiberglass pipes are available in the following pressure types: PN 0.1 - 4.0 MPa (1 - 40 atm).