Construction control

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The functionality of water supply and wastewater disposal systems, treatment facilities and reservoirs depends on proper equipment installation.

Improper and incorrect installation can course downtime of the equipment and machinery, extra costs and loss of time. Additionally, the loss of warranty on the equipment and equipment failure might occur.

Our specialists from the engineering department take the responsibility for the installation of the products like water supply and wastewater disposal systems, storm sewage, sewage pumping stations, biological treatment stations, fat collectors, sand collectors and other equipment.

When ordering installation supervision, the Customer obtains technical guidance, coordination of work at site and control of its implementation. Specially for your requirements and particularly for your project our specialists make up a Work Plan - WP, which regulates terms and conditions of the construction works, their deadlines, product installation procedure, as well as engineering equipment installation, coordinates interaction between the Customer and the Contractor. Each stage of work is documented.

The equipment is accepted according to the deadlines and the specified parameters.

Product installation stages.

Typically, supervision works involve the following steps:

1. Verification and project design adjustment, if needed.

2. Providing with technical documentation: technical guidance, WP. Giving technical recommendations to the construction company, technical guidance and designer's supervision carried out at the stage of construction and installation works, control of compliance with the requirements of the manufacturer, as well as solving all technical issues arising in the process of works.

- preparation stage. Geodesic control of the work, including foundations, excavation pits done before the installation of the product, etc.

- Main stage. Equipment fixing supervision. Supervision of connection of supply and discharge pipelines, sealing of pipelines. Product is equipped in accordance with the project. Supervision of power cabling from the product to control cabinets, installation of control cabinets, grounding. Control of backfilling and soil compaction.

- Commissioning.
- Project handover to the construction supervising authority/inspection.



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