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We carry out any kind of modeling in water supply and water disposal areas. This can be a separate service or a full service package including BIM modeling.

We provide expert modeling services for water utilities, combining advanced modeling knowledge with hands-on experience and strong skills in wastewater treatment design and production process design to provide viable solutions based on the current use and design of wastewater treatment facilities.
The software packages can be applied when designing, commissioning, and planning of operational parameters.

1. Volley sewage modelling in case of volley load increase at the existing sewage treatment facilities

2. Performance test in different technological modes of treatment facilities operation

3. Comparison of alternative options for reconstruction of existing treatment facilities to meet the requirements of the best available technology

4. Examination of treatment process dynamics in case of maximum inflow volumes during heavy rainfall to determine the best strategy for wastewater accumulation and discharge

5. Impact assessment of the consequences of switching to a new mode of operation before it is industrially implemented

6. Identify the effects of rainfall on treatment facilities capacity when some aeration tanks or settling tanks are taken out of service for renovation

7. Training operators on a mathematical model to introduce the behavior of wastewater treatment facilities in dynamic operating conditions

8. Comparative economics calculations of energy and reagents costs when developing technological regulations for the facilities operation, taking into account the dynamic conditions of the treatment facilities operation

9. Choice of the most cost-effective option for modernization of treatment facilities based on the simulation of alternative technological schemes of treatment

10. Research and development works on the study of new methods of wastewater treatment

11. Visualization of the dynamics of wastewater treatment processes for communication with customers and experts

12. Time and cost optimization by simulating a gradual commissioning of the waste water treatment facilities

13. Cost reduction for pre-production testing of new equipment and technologies by reducing the amount of on-site and laboratory experiments

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