NTT was awarded with EcoWorld-2021 reward

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The Russian Science Academy awarded NTT with the first prize of the International Reward "EcoWorld-2021" for outstanding achievements in environmental protection and safety.

We won in the nomination «Resource-saving and environmentally friendly technologies, processing of production and consumption waste”.

The award was given for the development of the NTT engineering center. Employees of the company tested a set of unique technologies based on the activation of natural processes of self-purification of water bodies.

Overcoming the shortage of water resources NTT sees in the creation of a unified systematic approach to the management and development of three interrelated areas of water management: water supply to consumers, wastewater disposal, and restoration of water bodies.

A pilot wastewater treatment plant tested the solution for a wide range of contaminant concentrations. During the experiment, the absence of a toxic effect on test objects was proved with the constant presence of hydrobionts in treated wastewater and an increase in the bioproductivity of aquatic ecosystems when treated wastewater enters.

Thank you for the appreciation of our work!
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